The Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), attended the annual event “The Twin College Envoys Program (TWINCLE) ASEAN Consortium Symposium Program Meeting” held in Chiba University, Japan, on 16 to 20 March 2017. The project aims to gather all members of the consortium, which amount to at least 15 universities in six participating countries in order to develop activities which pairs up graduate students skilled in educational research with those striving for cutting edge practical scientific research, and trains highly skilled individuals. The TWINCLE is a program for teachers who have global ability and vision and researchers who have a global mind under a consortium chaired by the Chiba University. The event was held for 4 days, which started with the opening of the meeting three university groups, a presentation of program in the future, presentations of TWINCLE students-participants and ended with the research awards for the outstanding students.
On this occasion, the Faculty of Geography was represented by Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service and Alumni Cooperation, accompanied by Dr. Rini Rachmawati and Dr. Prima Widayani. In addition, two representatives of High Schools, SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta and SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta (Mrs. Dwi Rini Wulandari and Mr. Miftakodin) also participated in this activity.
Until now TWINCLE Program has entered the final year of Phase 1. In the phase 1 of TWINCLE Program on MPPDAS sent 9 students, they are Widiyana Riasasi, Ayu Fitriatul Ulya, Fiyya K. Syafarani, Nurwinda Lathifah, Faizal Rahman, Nour Eka Jayanti, Roland Sinulingga, Idham Nugraha and Annisaa H. Immaduddina, supervised by Annisa Triyanti, lecturer of MPPDAS. Students of TWINCLE Program did general lecturer and experiment in some laboratories, visitation to High School as well as education and cultural museum of Japan. Then in 9-21 September 2013, Chiba University sent 6 students to Indonesia, hosted by MPPDAS. They did micro teaching in several high school in Yogyakarta to present Japanese education and culture. Since 2014, TWINCLE Program give wider opportunity to bachelor students.
The workshop discussed TWINCLE Phase 1 and upcoming Phase 2 in 2018-2022. It is consequential to the reduction of the number of exchange students from Japan to Indonesia and vice versa. However, the potential use of other sources of funding is possible, such as the use of Sakura Program, which is integrated in Twincle Program in the future.