Master Study in Planning and Management of Coastal and Management (MPPDAS) Faculty of Geography as well as Faculty of Forestry, Agicultural Technology, Fishery and Agiculture Universitas Gadjah Mada are members of Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC). The other University members are Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Kasetsart University (KU) in Thailand, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Malaysia and the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) in the Philippines. The UC involve in Master of Science in Food Security and Climate Change (MS FSCC) since 2017. The MS FSCC is a joint degree funded by the European Commission’s ERASMUS + Capacity Building for Higher Education. The ERASMUS project is being led by Kasetsart University (KU) and involves 11 other partners from Southeast Asia and 5 partners from Europe. It aims to develop critical mass of high quality, next generation of interdisciplinary professionals able to address the imposing challenges posed by climate change and food security in the country and the region.
MPPDAS and Master of Science on Food Security and Climate Change has areas of overlap in the following aspects
- MPPDAS study management and planning of an area based on physical and social process happen in a system (coastal or watershed).
- Part of coastal and watershed system is agro-ecosystem, that provide food (crops, lifestocks, fisheries and aquaculture)
- Imbalance natural process is induced and inducing abiotic, biotic and culture dynamics.
- Climate change is one of the global phenomena which has strong impact towards food security
The potential relevant courses in relation to Master of Science on Food Security and Climate Change and our program are Watershed System Analysis (1a, compulsory), Coastal System Analysis (1b, compulsory), Institutional and Policy Analysis (2a, elective), Conflict Management (2b, elective), Coastal and Watershed Strategic Planning (3a, elective) and Coastal and Watershed Resources and Hazards Modelling (3b, elective). The MPPDAS is developing Agro-ecosystem Analysis (1c, elective) and Resilience for the Food Security in the Contex of Climate Change (3c, elective) module to provide interdisciplinary contents aligned with food security and climate change.
The MS FSCC will be jointly offered by the five member The UC to involve in a compulsory mobility of students within the UC. Thus, each MS FSCC student will be enrolled in two universities, be supervised jointly by professors from these universities, and have a joint thesis defense. The ERASMUS+ funding also provides for excellent students to go on mobility to the EU partners, namely: Montpellier SupAgro in France, Gottingen University in Germany and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. The funding also provides for EU students to go on mobility to the UC member universities. The students will also attend summer schools that will serve as enhancement courses for the MS FSCC. Further information could be checked in the MS FSCC website